Harbor Springs Festival of the Book Submission Guidelines


The Harbor Springs Festival of the Book is a three-day event held the last weekend of September, featuring traditionally published authors and illustrators across eight genres—fiction, nonfiction, mystery/thriller, cookbook, poetry, young adult, middle grade, and picture book.

  • The Festival looks to feature approximately 45 presenters in panel discussions, authors in conversation, and readings. In general, we do not schedule solo presentations—but will consider if appropriate for a keynote address—or a timely/popular topic and/or presenter.

  • On Friday of the Festival, all Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Picture Book/Early Reader authors/illustrators will be scheduled for visits to area schools, in addition to being scheduled on Saturday and/or Sunday.

  • The Festival and its author committee do not consider nor extend invitations to books that are self-published or author-financed.

  • The Festival is not able to offer vendor/exhibitor space. We use every available space for Festival sessions!

  • For the 2025 Festival, hardcover or paperback releases published between October-2024 and September-2025 will be considered.

If the work meets the criteria listed above—and you would like to be considered, please provide the following:

  1. Please send, or have your publicist—send a copy or ARC of the book to be considered (digital is acceptable), a press kit with author bio, previous work, link to the author’s website, and any social media links. Books submitted will not be returned.

  2. Mail to:  HSFOTB, P.O. Box 766, Harbor Springs, MI  49740

  3. Email to:  info@hsfotb.org

  4. Self-submissions were accepted from January 1 – 31, 2025.

  5. Meeting the submission criteria does not guarantee an invitation to participate in the Festival schedule.

  6. You will only receive notification if you are offered an invitation to present.