Harbor Springs Festival of the Book Code of Conduct

The Harbor Springs Festival of the Book strives to create a safe environment for authors, attendees, students, volunteers, and employees. All who participate in Festival events must abide by the following code of conduct regarding harassment and minors:


Harassment will not be tolerated. Harassment includes offensive verbal comments, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, unwelcome photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.


Because of our mission to introduce children and youth to books, authors, and literacy, the Harbor Springs Festival of the Book invites our authors and illustrators of books for children and teens into schools and libraries to share their work. In order to promote the safety of our children and youth, at no time will a presenter be permitted to meet with minors without a Festival-approved escort, teacher, parent, or guardian. Additionally, we expect that a teacher, parent, or guardian will always accompany children and youth during Festival events.


If an individual is harassed, notices that someone else is being harassed, or has similar concerns, they should contact a Festival venue captain, Festival staff member or volunteer immediately. All staff and volunteers will have a list of procedures they will follow, including but not limited to contacting the Festival Executive Director (231-313-4758). Complaints will be addressed quickly and fairly.


If an individual engages in harassing behavior or violates the code of conduct as it relates to minors, the Festival organizers may take any lawful action deemed appropriate, including but not limited to warning the offender, removing the offender from the panel or session, barring the offender from Festival events, and assisting in the contacting of Law Enforcement.

We value a safe and enjoyable Festival environment for all participants. Thank you for joining us as we celebrate the culture of books in a beautiful part of the world.